Preschool Peer Role Model Program

Oxford Public Schools offers a Peer Model Program as part of the Oxford Preschool. This is an exciting educational opportunity for selected preschool children.  The Preschool Program is located at Quaker Farms School and is looking for three and four year old children to participate in the preschool classroom as role models for their peers with special needs.  In order to be considered, students must be 3 or 4 years old and be an Oxford resident.

The Oxford Preschool is an interdisciplinary, language, literature, motor, and play-based program whose curriculum is based upon the CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CTELDS) for its design and planned activities.  We see the role of teachers as supporters of development and, as such, our role is to promote active learning for all students. Our goal is to provide an appropriate learning environment incorporating both early childhood special education and developmental preschool programs, to prepare all children for the greatest opportunities for educational success. We understand that our children learn best through self-initiated activity; therefore, our learning activities reflect this philosophy.  Children selected as role models will participate in an age appropriate curriculum that will foster cognitive and social growth to promote development and independence.

We are accepting peer models provided they are 3 years by the first day of the start of school and have passed our screening. Applications must be received by April 4, 2025 and the screening is scheduled for Friday afternoon on April 11, 2025 with the preschool team. Information about the screening will be emailed to the parents prior to April 11th. Children will be selected based on strong language skills and appropriate social/peer interactions. Decisions will be based upon screening. Tuition and transportation costs are as follows:

TuitionTransportation (Optional)

3 Year Olds (M-F)

9:00AM - 11:20AM


4 Year Olds ( M-F)

12:30PM - 3:20PM


The application is available online below.  Please fill out the application and email it to: Marilyn Gotshall OR mail the application to:

Oxford Public Schools, Pupil Personnel Services
50 Great Oak Road, Suite A
Oxford, CT 06478

OR Please call 203-888-7754 x1111 for further information.